Wednesday 3 August 2011

Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions

Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions

[ Polls & Surveys ] Open Question : POLL: Are you sick of having questions deleted without good reason?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:36 PM PDT

Please go here to stop "reporter trolls" from destroying the Yahoo! Answers community! Spread this link like wild fire!

[ Pregnancy ] Open Question : Could I be pregnant again?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:36 PM PDT

My son is 14 weeks old and I'm breastfeeding. I'm meant to be on the mini pill but I keep forgetting to take it. I was bleeding on and off according too if I took it or not but now I have had no bleeding for ten days. I dont feel sick but I'm sure peeing a lot all over again and I'm moody! I know I can do a test but just wanted your opinions first. Nervous/scared freaking out like a mofo!!!

[ Other - Skin & Body ] Open Question : When a person has a straight black line around there nose, how do they remove?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:36 PM PDT

Let's say that this person persistently rubs and scrubs this straight line off but, it keeps coming back.

[ Other - Holidays ] Open Question : What should I get my boyfriend for our year anniversary?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:36 PM PDT

I'm 15 and my boyfriend is 16. Our year anniversary is coming up and I don't know what to get him. I've asked but he doesn't tell me what he wants. CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME?!

[ Other - Business & Finance ] Open Question : How long does it take to ship from Vancouver to California?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:36 PM PDT

I bought some clothes from Vancouver Canada and I want to know how long will it take to ship it Stockton California. I tracked it earlier today and it was last accepted at the Vancouver post office. How long will it take to ship from there to Stockton CA? Do you think I'll receive it by Friday?

[ Homework Help ] Open Question : I need help writing my persuasive speech on animal testing (against it). I need signpost transition. please?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:36 PM PDT

my speech is tomorrow. it must be 8 minutes. I have my speech ready to go i just have a really hard time with transitions, like ending signpost and beginning signpost. thanks

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : Is it legal to date a 21 year old in the army?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

This guy I met likes me, and he's 21. He's also in medical logisitics in the army. I'm 16 and a junior in high school. I read in Article 120 of UMJC that it is legal for us to be together including sexual acts. But in the age of consent law of NJ, it states that if there is more of a 5 year age difference and one person is a minor, it is considered rape. What exactly applies to us?

[ Cooking & Recipes ] Open Question : Which do you prefer baking or cooking :3?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

For me I prefer baking :3

[ Diet & Fitness ] Open Question : I'm a size 10 top and 12 trousers am I considered to be fat. Also I am 5ft3 and a female?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

[ Other - Diseases ] Open Question : Whats the condition called when you go under anesthesiology.but you still feel and hear everything?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Basically you get knocked out for surgery but you still feel the pain and hear whats going on

[ Credit ] Open Question : Is my credit be further effected when a prepaid credit card is cancelled or goes back to previouse score?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I have accidentally ordered 5 prepaid credit cards that really effected my credit score so I cancelled them all in one day when arrived. So, ask if cancelling these accounts brings up my score previously or effected it entirely? 1st: 606 529 621 now 541 521 569

[ Optical ] Open Question : How do eyes change color?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

My dad's family has these weird eyes that all of us have: We are born with dark brown eyes, which lighten over the years, and eventually gain more and more green over the years. By the time we are adults, the part around the center is honey brown, and all the outside is a grayish green color. Our shades and such vary between us, but it's the same general pattern. Is this normal or is this a freak thing?

[ Other - Hardware ] Open Question : Can my pc run gta iv?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

processor AMD Phoeom(tm) 2 x4 820 processor 2.80 ghz Memory ram 8.00 gb (7.75 gb usable

[ Military ] Open Question : What are the top 10 Navies in history?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Any nation, any time period.

[ Women's Health ] Open Question : does masturbating during the time of your period makes it come faster?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

i know i'm gonna get my period soon but i need to get it as soon as possible because i'm having a really important meeting where i have to wear and i don't want to feel uncomfortable and its just weird, and i heard that masturbating makes it come faster. . . help!

[ Other - Education ] Open Question : Hi Any IT professionals in tamilnadu please help me?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I am an arts student doing my B.A In Annamallai university DDE ( 3rd year ). am i eligible to do .NET course. Is that coure is designed only for Engineers . if i am not eligible for that course then what are the carrier or job based course that i can do.

[ Fish ] Open Question : Im getting two Swordtails and was wondering?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Im getting a male and female swordtail next thursday. I hear there great start fish and everything. But im Just wondering What do i need to get and do? How much food do i give them and what kind? Also how do i get them to mate cause i want them to mate later on? PLEASE estimate all of the cost Pretty Much everything what size tank and stuff.

[ Other - Education ] Open Question : what chase cards are non plastic?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Recently, I got to hold a chase sapphire preferred card and I noticed that it was metal! Does chase or any other bank have other non plastic cards?

[ Video & Online Games ] Open Question : What do you think of my Pokemon team?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I haven't started Emerald yet because I usually plan ahead on my team, since I haven't made it yet it's impossible for me to tell you movesets, but what do you think of my Pokemon? if you could suggest movesets by the way, it'd be much appreciated. Sceptile Houndoom Milotic Swellow (Don't post negative comments about this please, Pigeot, Swellow and Staraptor are extremely under-rated Pokemon in my opinion, I use them in every game...) Machamp Ampharos Thanks for helping me out. (this isn't for competitive battling)

[ Pain & Pain Management ] Open Question : i just started playin football and when i puton my helmet it feels like a bad sunburn what is wrong?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

[ Video & Online Games ] Open Question : Is there a consol on GTA 4?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I have GTA 4 for the computer, and I was wondering if there was a consol and codes yo insert vehicles or weapons.

[ Other - Caribbean ] Open Question : Why do some beaches have nice clear waters and others grayish?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT


[ Physics ] Open Question : Basketball in a ufo ride?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

How would a basketball behave if say I was on those spinning cylindrical rides and I was going fast enough where I stick to the wall and the basketball was right next to me?

[ Hair ] Open Question : I just got my hair colored 2 days ago and?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

a friend of mine wants to go to a water park tomorrow. Its dark brown, and i'd like to know if I get my hair wet, will it ruin the color/mess with my hair.

[ Etiquette ] Open Question : Why are BIack people so rude? (MOST of them are)?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Today I was in the subway on the way to Chinatown, and then some fat BIack woman (very ugly too, just to let you know) came out of no where and decided to sit right next to me when there were PLENTY of other seats around. Why did she chose to sit with me, hell I don't even f*kcing know! I politely tell her to move somewhere else, but she immediately gave me a dirty look and ignored me! I was really shocked of how rude she was. So then I had to move myself since she doesn't even want to move.

[ Drama ] Open Question : Is there gonna be a way to watch Red Dwarf Series X in America?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I like the show (on Series IV now) and wanna know if there's a way to watch it in America when it comes on.

[ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered ] Open Question : is the night club plush in dallas a mens club or for everyone?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : How can you tell if you really in love with somebody.?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

[ Security ] Open Question : Computer freezes on start up?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I am running windows 7 and have had this laptop for less than a year. Lately, after I use the computer for a few hours, it suddenly stops responding to everything and I can't even move the mouse so the only thing I can do is manually power it down using the button. However when i try to start the computer up after that, it gets to the "welcome" screen and freezes and hangs there for more than 15 minutes, after which I give up. The computer runs fine in safe mode and I can start it up normally if I don't use it for the rest of the day. I cleaned my registry, ran a virus scan (I use kapersky), and even uninstalled kapersky once because I heard it can cause problems. I've also tried to do a clean boot but it still hangs at the welcome screen and won't log on normally. This problem is so bothersome D: Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

[ Physics ] Open Question : electrostatic vs magnetic?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

witch is more efficient(takes less power for more acceleration over less length) electrostatic or magnetic acceleration of ions. i mean witch is better coils or charged plates rings etc to accelerate ions or electrons if you tell me both be more specific on why ...maybe i do not understand the function of both. please help and thanks in advance.

[ Mental Health ] Open Question : Can I see a therapist, am I depressed?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Okay it started when I was in kindergarten. There was a boy who was best friends with me. Then one day we were playing a game he called "try not to shout" he then proceeded to hit, kick, punch me all over my body. I apparently had made a lot of noise when i broke something ( I have no idea what it was) and the principal came over. The boy said I hit him and I remember getting really upset at this. Fast forward one year. I have broad shoulders and am large for my age. The kid calls me fat, stupid, and ugly all year. Of course only being 6 stuff like that made me upset. In 2nd grade we had a class on why we should tell a teacher if someone hurt our feelings. I was planning on it, but (from what my mom remembered me telling her) the kid threatened me. He picked on me the rest of the year. In 3rd grade he verbally abused me and taunted me at my lack of baseball skills, and he shoved me off a rock or a swing set or something. In 4th grade I finally told a teacher, and the teacher told me he was just kidding. She sent me to the guidance office where when I opened up about my story the teacher said I was "fibbing" and the kid was very nice. The verbal abuse continued. In 5th grade I reported him and another boy. Again the teachers chose to neglect it. In 6th grade he switched schools, but my sadness was far from over. I am an actor and 8th grade boys would pick on me and one kicked me in the head. The original kid's friends started to apologize for picking on me and I forgave them. In seventh grade (last year) I wasn't getting bullied anymore. However I still felt awful. I hit and beat myself, and taunted myself often. These events have made me extremely shy and am scared of other people's opinions of me. I still abuse myself and am considering cutting as a new way to hurt myself. I try to keep these feelings of HIGH hatred of myself in, but every once in a while I just break down and cry. I don't tell my mom or anyone I hate myself because I'm afraid they won't like me because I'm different. Counselors have never helped me ever. I am 13 and going into eighth grade worried that the German exchange students that stop by our school will hate me because I am a tour guide. I tried to kill myself in elementary school which is unknown to my parents. I think about this every day and is taking over my life. I never seem to want to go out with family anymore. They literally have to threaten me with punishment to get me to go places. I'm wicked ******* shy. I fit in with no groups at my school, and am bullied for 9 years now. When I try to talk to a large group of people it's like I can't be myself. And end up saying some weird, stupid sounding sentence. I only feel confident when answering questions or talking to family if. My social frustration pulls me between the goths, the star pupils, and the group below the jocks. I want to fit in some where, but I am really just me. I have one or maybe two really good friends. I have EDS and am in a lot of physical pain when playing football or doing the martial arts even though I'm good at both. I am lost. I unsuccessfully killed myself once, and am contemplating running away (I have a fool proof plan). I'm 13 I hate my life and just wanna die or get the hell out of my town. Please someone out there help.

[ Psychology ] Open Question : Leading me on, crush or friendship ( Males Only)?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

The reason why I'm asking because I'm just curious, however I told him that I don't care either way if you do or don't and he's been trying to make me jealous. 1.) I told him to read the bible and he puts it in his books to read 2.) I told him about his rude behavior and he's reading a book called getting a girl 3.) I have girl skateboards as my top choice and he watches videos of people who are on that team of girl. 4.) He reads my emails but doesn't respond to me but tries to make me jealous by using other women to get a reaction out of me. 5.) I told him I liked him as a loyal friend and then he disregard me for that by not responding back. 6.) I bring up one topic about marylin manson and now he's reading books about his life, everything about him even though he's a die hard fan. Is he leading me on or do you think he has a crush?

[ Gender & Women's Studies ] Open Question : When did it become a crime to act immature?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I'm a junior and it seems like if i act immature i'm considered weird but it seems like guys have all the fun and freedom to do whatever want they get to make jokes about eachother and the guys they make fun of dont get all emotional most of the time and they are allowed to mess up things and be rough but if a girl does it she is not being "lady like" example: My room is dirty i get yelled at my older brother's room dirty parents mention it once

[ Diet & Fitness ] Open Question : Does green tea work on getting rid of fat? ?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

[ Other - Food & Drink ] Open Question : Do they have Honey Bunches of Oats at 7-11?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

(with almonds!) I really want some, but the grocery store's closed and I'm wondering if 7-11 has them haha... oh, or maybe Wawa?

[ Other - General Health Care ] Open Question : my girlfriend has been vomiting for 4 days now. She just recently got back from a 2 week vacation at INDIA. ov?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

my girlfriend has been vomiting for 4 days now. She just recently got back from a 2 week vacation at INDIA. over there she was fine, she did controled her self from eating at dirty places. always she drinks bottle water. when she came back from india to malaysia, she has been throwing up. on day 1, i gave her some salt water that i buy from pharmacy , then 2nd day she went to a clinic and the doctor gave her gastric medcine , and the vomiting still never stop. Day 3, we went to the hospital and the doctor got her on the IV drips for 2 hours and gave her bunch of medcine, and yet the vomit still never stops. She does not have fever, and she still vomits even if she just eat crackers(biscuit) , or even when she doesnt eat anything. Also now, she does have stomach pain, expecially when she farts... sometimes there is diarhea.... what is going on? can anyone help?

[ Politics ] Open Question : If a man walks away like this - is it totally over?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Lets say that he pursues her for 4 years and she doesn't encourage him or respond much. She is always nice, but she's like that with everyone. He is in a committed relationship and she knows this, which is why she doesn't respond to him. However, she likes him too but never told him. He asks her to work with him but she refuses and he gets offended. He starts treating her very coldly and is rude to her, ignores her and stops answering her emails - even work-related emails. Is this a temporary phase that he is going through or is he really done?

[ Weather ] Open Question : If it's 82 degrees outside and partly cloudy, is that at least an okay beach day?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I'm going to the beach tomorrow and the weather is supposed to be 82 and partly cloudy. I live in New Jersey, mind you. Will I have fun?? Because I hate days where the water's cold and I can't even tan...

[ Polls & Surveys ] Open Question : POLL: Have you ever had a crush on someone of a different race or ethnicity?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

What ethnicity were they?

[ Swimming & Diving ] Open Question : just starting life guarding in a pool and its making me sick...?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

so i just started this week, tonight was my second day and already im having problems. I have chronic asthma and i was 50/50 if i would have a problem since its an indoor pool. Usually i do not have problems when i go to pools but working 8 hour shifts, i have to use my inhaler a lot and my nebulizer when i get home. I also get very itchy probably from the chlorine but will i evetually get used to this or will i have to end up switching jobs? i dont want to i actually like it a lot but if you have similar problems with them please try and answer this!!

[ Comics & Animation ] Open Question : Can someone explain this naruto chapter?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT Why did nagato attack naruto again after? I'm pretty sure they both were defeated. Explain this please!

[ Baseball ] Open Question : Do you think you could have a better Batting Average than Adam Dunn?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I almost said Ryan Dunn (RIP)

[ Do It Yourself (DIY) ] Open Question : I can't tighten my shower handle?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Well we have a Delta Shower; and basically you can turn the handle full circle without the water turning on; and according to my dad; the hex screw won't turn at all. So what could possibly be the problem, and how can we fix it? Thanks!

[ Cell Phones & Plans ] Open Question : Syncing my IPhone with a new computer?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I want to sync my iphone with my new computer, I have all the music and everything, I just want to know if i'll loose all my contacts, pictures, and apps....I have my pictures backed up and honestly i don't care about the apps, i can just re-download them...but will I loose my contacts?

[ Google ] Open Question : Any ideas on cool tumblr URLs?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Trying to make a tumblr thats about how im a taylor swift fan, i wanted to use an alliteration...

[ Football (American) ] Open Question : Would you holdout if you were DeSean Jackson?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

If you ere 165lbs tops and is getting killed by DB's all day and only making 500k and still on your rookie salary and is a Top 10 Wide Receiver, I would holdout too! Plus, speedy Receivers last 4 years tops in the league, which is ironically how long he's been in the league..

[ Yahoo! Search ] Open Question : is there a people search site that's "really free" ?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

i'm trying to find a friend but every people search or people finder site that claims to be free is not.I really want to find my friend.but i don't have a credit card to pay the fees on the search sites .please help .i thank u in advance.

[ Primary & Secondary Education ] Open Question : What high school electives...?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

What high school elective is the class where you can apply to be a sports trainer's assistant? What elective is good to take to be a sports trainer?

[ Dancing ] Open Question : I want to try out for the Dance Team but my parents won't let me?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Ive been dancing since i was 3 and fell in love with it more and more each year. Im 13 and tryouts are in 2 weeks. I asked my mom if i could try out but she said no because she said that it takes a lot of money and time. She also said that it takes a lot of commitment. She said that if i really wanted to become a dancer then she would let me but i want to be a fashion designer (dancing is my 2nd choice). I know that its really expensive but i really want to do it. How do i convince my mom to let me try out and what is the price range?

[ Tattoos ] Open Question : Will old acne scars affect tattoos?

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I'm planning on getting a tattoo very soon on my left shoulder. But, I'm a bit worried. My shoulders have old acne scars from my teenage years. They are smooth scars for the most part, and I no longer break out in that area. But, the marks are there nonetheless and I don't think they are going anywhere any time soon.