Wednesday 8 June 2011

Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions

Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions

[ Trying to Conceive ] Open Question : im i pregnant some one please help?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

okay so i had unprotected sex on june 4th and june 4th or 5th was my ovulation day and 3-4 days later im having cramps in my lower pelvic area and i have also been very sleepy

[ Pain & Pain Management ] Open Question : Wrist pain after basketball?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

I took a long break from playing basketball probably 2-3 weeks and now im into again, yesterday was my first day and I did long intense shooting and dribbling and today my wrist is in pain to where i can't put any pressure on it or it hurts. What could it be? I am not a muscular teen (15 years) so could it be from shooting so much with a weak wrist or dribbling with my wrist or what? I can shoot without pain but its afterwards when i pu pressure on it whether its to help myself get up or sit down or something?

[ Polls & Surveys ] Open Question : If your singing voice is damaged, that means your speaking voice is too right?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

[ Skin Conditions ] Open Question : How to get rid of acne?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

How can i get rid of my acne ive tried proactiv neutrogena's products clean and clear stridex clearasil and just about anything you can thing of i tried them for long periods of time and they ddnt work i also have a prescription but it doesnt seem to be working after a couple of months of use

[ Comics & Animation ] Open Question : Anime Expo 2011 Miku Hatsune concert tickets?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

I am going to Anime Expo and was so upset when I found out the tickets I wanted so badly sold out! So please, if anyone has spares or something, I'm willing to buy! I am dying to go..! Thank you

[ Alternative Medicine ] Open Question : Why cant i keep food and water down?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

I keep puking it up cuz it won't go to my stomach

[ Other - Business & Finance ] Open Question : Western Union bank deposit never showed up?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

I live in Utah, and I send somebody in California $100 using Western Union. The money was supposed to be deposited into their bank account, but it's been a few days now and it hasn't showed up there... why is this? Is there a waiting time for it to get there, or something? And if it never shows up, is there any way to get the money back?

[ Law & Legal ] Open Question : investigation for unemployment questions......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

i lost my job back in may 2010 and was on unemployment and couldnt find a job until jan 2011, once i started working i didn't know i had to let unemployment know that i went back to work i just stopped collecting the benefits. I got a letter in the mail about a month ago regarding being investigated by the unemployment office and i have to go in tomorrow to meet with them, I just want to know what should i expect tomorrow. it didn't even cross my mind to let unemployment know that i got a job i just stopped collecting the benefits on the my question is what should i expect for this meeting tomorrow afernoon? please no negative feedback. btw i live in upstate NEW YORK. thanks

[ Cats ] Open Question : What Kind Of Cat Do I Have?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

Ok So I Got This Cat And Idk What Kind It Is Can Yall Help? :))!/photo.php?fbid=206551626056554&id=100001051544275&refid=7

[ Women's Health ] Open Question : is there anyone whom is anemic that i can contact on my anemia? it would be nice to realate to some one.?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

If email works than great or through here is great as well. I just want to be able to realate with some one on this.

[ Psychology ] Open Question : Does enthusiasm matter?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

I had this argument with a friend of mine and he says that enthusiasm is useless. I for one like having some enthusiasm, it really is the only thing that I am running on. I know it might seem crazy but I was wondering if he was right.

[ Alternative Fuel Vehicles ] Open Question : how do I get back at someone at school?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

Someone has seriously been doing really mean things to me (like putting that i suck ****) at school ( Jr. High ) on a bench. So what do I do (AND I SERIOUSLY CANT GET SUSPENDED NOW!!!!) And by the way im a dude and its a chick : / (worst is that its my ex >__> ) Please help ~Thanks ^_^~

[ Law & Legal ] Open Question : my boss hasn't paid me, what should I do?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

so I was doing construction off the books for over two weeks and He said he'll pay me once the check comes in after finishing the project, so after the two weeks he stopped calling me to come in so i called him & was like wheres my money & whatever and yesterday he said he'll have it for me tomorrow ( which was today so i called him & he said he's gonna be working late & he'll drop it off tonight & he never did. I kept trying to call him from several different phones & he hasn't been answering. But on face book he's made five status within the last 4 hours. I didn't sign any papers saying i was working for him & whatever & he owes me about 1300$. what should i do? I'm at a complete lost & i know i cant do anything with the police cause he can just deny me working for him. I'm stuck =[

[ Xbox ] Open Question : Hooking up an xbox 360 to a computer tower?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

I want to know if you can hook up an Xbox 360 to a computer tower without using a modem. We have wireless internet but I'm not trying to buy the wireless modem that costs like $100.

[ Baseball ] Open Question : are the indians starting to collapse?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

or do you think they will stay good throughout the season?

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : Talking to a girl on the train when both our moms are next to us?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

So there is this cute girl on the same train that I take to commute to and from work everyday. Anyway, I overheard her saying she's a student ( so am I). She sits with her mom, and I also sit with my mom. Just today as we got off the train im pretty sure she stared at me for quite some time. How can I talk to her? It's extra hard because she's with her mom and I dont feel too comfortable talking to girls with my mom around too haha Any thoughts?

[ Video & Online Games ] Open Question : How do i get the turtle mount in rift?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

i see people haveing this turtle mount at level 7 and i cant find out were they get it

[ Religion & Spirituality ] Open Question : how to worship God at home?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

i just wanted to know what can i do to worship God?

[ Religion & Spirituality ] Open Question : How stupid do you have to be to be an atheist?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

Look around you! Look at a rainbow! Look at a newborn baby! Look at a delicate flower! Look at those 16,000 children who die of starvation on a daily ba...wait, forget that last one Seriously atheists, you're just dumb.

[ Vegetarian & Vegan ] Open Question : is it better to toast the bread?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

the bread is whole wheat bread

[ Car Audio ] Open Question : How loud can I crank my sub?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

Ok so, my sub can handle 600W and 300W RMS (Clarion thin sub). My amp puts out 550W and 290W RMS (Sony xplod slim). Because my sub is 50W higher and 10W RMS higher, does that mean I could put my cd deck (sony xplod) to full volume and the sub will still be ok? Ive only put the sub up to 35 volume and Im just a lil sketched out about trying to put it much louder. Its a 10" sub, and I want to turn it up more to get more bass. Should I change the levels on my amp, like put on bass boost or change gain? Should I change the subwoofer level on my stereo to 10? So many little questions like this lol someone please help! :)

[ Basketball ] Open Question : what's more embarrasing lebron's hairline or his 8 point performance in the finals?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

[ Other - Health ] Open Question : i have had a slight cold lately, i am not stressed out, well i don't feel stressed?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

My last period was April 30th it is now june 9th i have felt a bit tired and sick during the day my boobs are just starting to get a bit sore, i took a test yesterday and it was negative AM I PREGNANT???? i soooooooooooooooooooo want a baby so does my husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ Xbox ] Open Question : Xbox Live Adapter red light of death please help!?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

I have a white with one gray antenna wireless adapter for my Xbox 360. I've set up my iPhone, PCs, iPad, Mac, and Wii easily with my WiFi but my Xbox won't detect my internet. I have the router or modem (I don't know the difference) Westell 327w. I've tried restarting everything, resetting, and plugging the adapter in the front USB port instead of the back yet it still continues to have the solid red light. I shouldn't have to select the "Specify Unlisted Network" but I'v chosen that and entered all the info but it still has a red light and won't connect. Please Help!!!! P.S. I'm only a girl and not very tech-y so please make it very easy for a 13 year old to understand. Seriously this made me so frustrated I've shed tears over it:(

[ Diet & Fitness ] Open Question : Whats your weight and how much TV do you watch each day?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT


[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : I have trouble showing affection, how do I explain this to my boyfriend?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

I have trouble showing affection. My family was never affectionate at all. I feel like showing it is something to be embarrassed of. I'm bad at initiating kisses and hugs with my boyfriend. My ex used to get so mad at me for that. My new boyfriend (of 5 months) sometimes tells me I should kiss him more, so I think it bugs him too. We've just started saying "I love you" and I have trouble saying it first too. It sounds unnatural and wrong when I say it. I am so scared I'm going to lose my boyfriend over this. I love him so much. He's never complained much about it, but I want to make him feel loved and appreciated too. Should I talk to him? If so, how? Keep in mind, the saying "I love you" stuff is REALLY new and I don't want him to worry the reason all this is coming up is because I'm freaked out over the L-word.

[ Software ] Open Question : Adobe Photoshop Tips and Tricks . Need Help !!!!?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

Hey guys i need a little help with editing pictures . I already know a few tricks with clone and those filter tools . I googled for tips and tricks , all of them where a little advanced . So can someone post a few links where i can learn step by step about photo editing . I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS5 ! :)

[ Comedy ] Open Question : Are Matt and Trey trying to bring South Park to a stop?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

They still have half a season to go later this year, but this episode had a pretty depressing ending. I guess the show has to end sometime, but still... Unless they come back later with "jk lol", but I doubt it.

[ Jokes & Riddles ] Open Question : Is this funny? (As a Facebook status)?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

Is this funny? I need to know? Is it too long for a Facebook status? Is it weird? BE HONEST! THANKS! My sister: Hey, have you seen my phone? Me: Nope. Her: You sure? Me: Yup! Her: Can you get up? Me: I'm not sitting on it. Her: Just stand up. Me: I'm not sitting on it! *I stand up* Me: Okay, but I'm no- Her:So you WERE sitting on it. Me: hehe...well THAT was embarrassing...

[ Physics ] Open Question : Physics Biconvex lens problem! Help please quickly!?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

A thin biconvex lens of refractive index 1.60 and a diameter of 1.50 mm has radii of curvature of 8.50 mm. Find the focal length of the lens. If the object is 26.5 mm away from the lens, how far away is the image from the lens? If the object is 8.71 mm tall, how tall is the resulting image?

[ Polls & Surveys ] Open Question : Have you ever thrown your hands up sometimes and say hey oh gotta let go?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:36 PM PDT

[ Lyrics ] Open Question : I am looking for a song .. any ideas .. ?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

soo i am looking for a song about a girl who doesnt know what she wants .. or she likes multiple guys but her heart is set on one who doesnt want her .. or something close to that .. any ideas ?

[ Mathematics ] Open Question : How to find the height for an isosceles triangle?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

It has a base angle measure of 35 degrees, and one of the congruent sides is 24

[ Mental Health ] Open Question : how would someone emotionally abuse themself?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Can/How does someone emotionally abuse them self?

[ Philosophy ] Open Question : Do you think this is a good/well-written excerpt?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

"But I wasn't just sad all the time. I went through respite periods sometimes; I didn't feel bad about waking up in the morning anymore. I didn't stare down at my feet when I walked three blocks every day in the city to work. I didn't feel uncomfortable being on my own with the ghost of her following me around everywhere. She was no longer the paramount priority of my life. But of course I always got sucked back into it; When I saw a girl on the train with long, wavy hair like Gabby's, or when I found myself walking down a familiar dark street where I had once walked with her, and the only unfamiliar thing about it was the absence of the sunlight and warmth that had been there when Gabby was with me. I suppose that's how I started seeing things then. Everything that used to be beautiful was negated by the absence of Gabrielle. And there was nothing that could be changed about it."

[ Genealogy ] Open Question : Which state has the greatest German population/ancestry?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I'm thinking Wisconsin...or Iowa...or Minnesota.

[ Makeup ] Open Question : QUESTION ABOUT MAC. MAKEUP?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I heard that MAC. Makeup is not mean't to be used for everyday makeup but that it's supposed to be used for photo shoots and stuff. Is this true? Also, the only makeup I would considered buying from MAC. is their eyeshadows.:) So are there eyeshadows mean't to be used for everyday makeup? Also if I used Urban Decay Primer Potion before applying MAC. Eyeshadow would it prevent creasing and fading in color?

[ Mathematics ] Open Question : Need some quick help on a chem question?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Calculate the solubility of N2 when the partial pressure is 1000 mm Hg. Solubility for nitrogen in water at 0.80 atm partial pressure is 0.0152 mL N2/mL H2O.

[ Higher Education (University +) ] Open Question : If you only needed one more course credit for undergrad studies and your prof failed you, how would you feel?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

that would mean you would have to come back for one year just for one course. what would you do? you are also eager to make the best out of your life (make every year count and not waste years doing nothing) you can talk to your prof but your prof refuses to pass you even though you handed in 4/7 of assignments of which for each assignment you got 60%, got 66 on a low weighted midterm, 70 percent on an assignment and just went below 50 on the final. by the way you feel you put all the ******* effort in the course

[ Men's Health ] Open Question : Help! Male irritation question?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Ok, I was circumcised as a baby, And a while back I was considering restoration so I was doing "Stretching" with my hands. But after a while, I noticed when I was completely soft there was a roll of skin below my glans and above my circumcision scar. Then a while later again I noticed that it looked irritated where the skin below my glans is. Looks kind of like a barbed wire cut and is bumpy. And it seems to get worse after I masturbate or if I have to tuck it in. So my Q is, Is there any kind of cream I can buy that will get rid of that or at least make it better?. Thanks

[ Other - Car Makes ] Open Question : 2004 kia amanti a nice car?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Might get one used with 78k for 6000$ personal experiences with these cars? No dont show me edmunds or kbb please

[ Los Angeles ] Open Question : How do you like living in Newport Beach, CA?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

For all of you beautiful residents of Newport Beach, CA, what's it like living there? How do you like it? Are you obsessed with the beach? I grew up watching MTV's "Newport Harbor" and 4 years later now I'm old enough to move there! Until I officially move I'd love to hear any insights on what it's like there :)

[ Other - Beauty & Style ] Open Question : Omg I'm 26 and just noticed I have cellulite it's really ugly help I'm only a size 5 and walk all day!?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I don't understand how and why I got cellulite on my lower and upper legs I don't go too the gym but I walk a lot at work and have always tried hard too watch my diet pls any quick fixes I just got cellulite I use too have beautiful muscular legs! Thanks!

[ Other - Pets ] Open Question : I lost my ninja... Where did he go?!?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

[ Other - Yahoo! Mail ] Open Question : unlink gmail and yahoo mail?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

[ Basketball ] Open Question : Why is Derek Fisher in the music video Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado and Timbaland?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT 2:11, D-Fish is checking out nelly

[ Languages ] Open Question : Japanese name translation cont.?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

just a continuation from my last question as i dont think answers can be edited or redone after posting.

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : I was awkward and a little desperate...did I lose my chance completely? 10 POINTS AND A HUG FOR BEST ANSWER?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

So I have a crush on this guy I only met once, he is a co-worker. WHen I first met him he was flirting with me a little (A LITTLE, just enough to know he was somewhat interested, but he wasn't TOO into me) I think he knew I was attracted to him. I was VERY AWKWARD. And I mean really awkward..I think I made him uncomfortable. Everytime I tried to make eye contact with him he would not look at me. I know there was some kind of initial attraction but afterwards I guess I was trying too hard or something, but he stopped pursuing me. When I left, I looked right at him and said bye, nice meeting you..and he said bye and went back to work. I didn't even say bye to my other co-workers, I think he noticed that. I was distracted and couldn't focus on my work because he was around and I feel he could sense that. Anyways, in conclusion, I was awkward and nervous. Does that scare a guy off? I know that being desperate scares a guy off...and I probably did act a little desperate, as I was trying to make eye contact with him and kept trying to say things to impress him and he was no longer chasing me. I plan on looking hot next time, smiling, and saying hi..and then moving on. Is it too late to reverse the damage that I've already done? Did my awkwardness scare him off? I didn't say anything awkward or TMI, my behavior was lingering around him, avoiding eye contact, and then staring at him to catch his eye, trying to act really cool, etc etc and then forgetting what I was doing when a customer came..stuff like that. YES I know, I need to be myself, I plan on doing that next time..and also keeping a distance and smiling at him so he knows I'm interested.

[ Pain & Pain Management ] Open Question : Has stem cell technology resulted in any improvements in osteoarthritis treatment?

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

I have heard about a clinic in Colorado, USA and another one or two in Europe that can use a person's own stem cells to regenerate cartilage in arthritic joints. However, the studies I've seen on these treatments have only very small sample sizes and seem rather inconclusive. There are encouraging anecdotal accounts, but little in the way of controlled experiments. It seems as though some of these clinics do not allow patients to disclose the outcome of treatment, unless it happened to result in improvement. Does anyone know if there is any promise to these stem cell technologies for arthritis, particularly of the hip? I am aware of the conventional surgical options, such as hip replacement, but the surgery is quite drastic and it seems a shame to go that route if there are imminent breakthroughs to come with stem cells. In addition, hip replacement does not allow the patient to resume all his/her previous activities. Even running is not generally recommended.

[ Mathematics ] Open Question : pls help binomial

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Sam and jad play a game in which sam's chance of wining is 2/ a series of such 210 games supposedly independent find the probability that sam will win between 145 to 155 games??? help me ouy how did you find it