Thursday 8 September 2011

Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions

Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions

[ Mathematics ] Open Question : Solve a math problem 10 POINTS?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT **What column will number 1002 be in? -- So that is the question I think that it will be in column A but I don't know how to prove it so could you please write an explanation on why you think its not each letter and why it is the letter you think 1002 is in?

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : GUYS: Do I sound attractive to you would you go out with me?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

OK I'm 5'7 120lbs, dirty blonde hair,blue eyes, skinny, I Rock Climb and I've competed in state finals etc., Play Basketball, Hike, Mountain bike and I go shooting. I am always there when someone needs my help im a very upbeat person and im a freshman in high school What do you think by the sounds of it would you go out with me?

[ Mathematics ] Open Question : Continuity of a function?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

Show that there is a number C, with c between 0 and 1, such that f(c) = 0. f(x) = (e^x) -3x How do I start this? What are they even asking for?

[ Mathematics ] Open Question : Completing the square?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

- 5x^2 + 10x + 40 So far I've gotten = - 5 (x^2 - 2x + 1) - 1 + 40 = - 5 ( ) + 39 Can someone help me with the rest? I know you're supposed to divide by two and then square it, but I forgot how.

[ Yahoo! Answers ] Open Question : PLEASE HELP! Fundraising Ideas?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

I am Class President at my high school and am in charge of hosting Prom. I need some fundraising ideas to help us make this Prom a great night. We've done the bake sales and car-washes already so we're looking for new ideas.Please help us make money for a special night. :)

[ Mental Health ] Open Question : Why am I seeing these things?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

Lately I have been seeing, and hearing things I shouldn't. I keep seeing faces outside my window... Noices come from my laundry room when I go in there nobody is there. I been hearing this voice sometimes, it just keeps saying the same my name. I don't know why I am seeing and hearing these things. Can somebody help me?

[ Injuries ] Open Question : Blood after stretching for 10g to 8g?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

Alright, well i just stretched my ears from a 10 to an 8. It didnt hurt at all it just went in easily. But after 2 days i took out my tapers to clean them and i used a wet q-tip to clean the holes and there was a very small amout of blood. Is this normal?

[ Studying Abroad ] Open Question : Is ptu degree greater valuable than dtu (delhi)or wbut in abroad?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

[ Friends ] Open Question : What auutoinsuranceCompanies Service Is The Best?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

I'm researching auutoinsurancefor my area so I can get a basic idea of who to look at for auutoinsurancequotes. I need a list ofinsurancecompanies that provide service to Oklahoma. It'd be more appreciated if it was a list of auutoinsuranceprovided to the Oklahoma City Metro area. What Auto Insurance Companies Service Is The Best?

[ Languages ] Open Question : What does it mean when a guy text 381?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

[ Yahoo! Groups ] Open Question : Are my fellow atheists happy we are only the 2nd most hated group in this country?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

after the tea party

[ Movies ] Open Question : Hi i am arun, can anyone tell me me , where can i download hollywood movie in dual audio format for free.?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

[ Politics ] Open Question : Why didn't Joe Walsh and David Vitter do thier jobs and show up when congress was in special session?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

Or were they taking a cue from the unions and striking until they get what they want? Shouldn't they have been there to protect their constituents' interest?

[ Mental Health ] Open Question : Can binaural beats give you weird dreams?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

If I fall asleep while listening to binaural beats meant for deep sleep, will I have weird or vivid dreams?

[ Physics ] Open Question : Finding magnitude and direction?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

Vector A has components Ax=1.45cm , Ay=1.90cm ; vector B has components Bx= 4.35cm , By= -4.15cm . Okay, so I'm supposed to find the magnitude of Vector A + Vector B. I thought that Vector C=Vector A plus Vector B. Then using the Pythagorean theorem you could find it... but I constantly get it wrong. Am I doing it wrong? Also, for finding direction, it's the tangent of B/A correct?

[ Hair ] Open Question : How to style hair like sodapop curtis?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

how do i style my hair like sodapop curtis? It did not look like it for greasers his was more parted and had locks of curled to his forehead. Can someone please help!?

[ Psychology ] Open Question : Is it possible for your personality to change?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

back in 2007/2009 I was so erm how can I say? Bubbly, open. I was so up to talk to people. Even random acquaintances. They would pass in the hall and I would always greet them with a big smile. I was so open to small talk. I would always have something to talk about even if it was something so random. I had tons of friends made naturally so I guess I was a interesting person. Well 2009-Present My nature has changed. I speak when spoken to. I'm quiet 90% of the day. I no longer make an effort to try to be friendly with acquaintances. I don't mingle. When people speak to me I respond to whatever but I make zero effort in trying to further the conversation(I hope I make sense). I hate small talk know. I feel much more calmer overall. For the record I'm not depressed or anything. Honestly I feel like it was a natural change. Which I find odd. Whats even weirder if I try to force my self to act like I did back in 2007/2009 I feel so fake and akward. Yet back then being that was being my natural self. Now I don't have any friends. I don't know. Back then it seems as tho I was a magnet that attracted people to being my friend. I try to be friends with others but I have yet to find anyone wit smilar intrests to mine. Not only then but if I force myself to talk to people everything is to forced and you have to many akward silences. The current way I act feels like it i simply me. .-. I

[ Movies ] Open Question : Which movie do you think has the hottest scenes?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

Into the blue

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : why does my ex text me but stop texting out of nowhere?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

i never text my ex first he text me like 3 times a week . n id reply.. but always .. in the middle of a convo he stops for no reason n it drives me crazy . why text then stop out of nowhere. could be like busy ttyl .. but he just stops .... that leaves me waiting for reply

[ Religion & Spirituality ] Open Question : Are Reform and Progressive Judaism the same?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

I'm a bit confused. I've been looking up Jewish denominations and some say: Conservative Orthodox Progressive But others say: Reform Orthodox Conservative Can someone please explain why? THANKS :)

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : LOL WHY DOES SHE YELL AT ME FOR TOUCHING HER?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

ok she will pinch me pull my leg hair put her legs on me and stuff but if i do it she like tells me to stop,,,,and then texts me telling asking if i like when she touchs me lol like whts with this girl yo

[ Porsche ] Open Question : How about the Adidas Porsche Design CL? where can i buy Adidas Porsche Design CL online for cheap?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

[ Video & Online Games ] Open Question : Can i get limbo for free?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

okay so i got a ps3 and i playedthe demo and the gameis soo much fun :D and herd you can get it for free online by getting codesor something so isthereaway to get it for free or something like that??

[ Words & Wordplay ] Open Question : I need a Sentence for atom?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

[ Politics ] Open Question : When will there be a cure for HIV/AIDS?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

I have HIV and im taking anti-retroviral pills that are affecting my health. I have my viral load to undetected levels but I need to work my butt off to work out and be healthy or these crazy side-effects will kick in and eventually kill me. Why isnt there a cure for HIV yet? We have the best technology in the world and we cant find a measly cure for a virus that is killing millions of people world wide, do we have the political will to do it? According to my doctor I will live a normal life span if I continue to take the pills and exercise and eat healthy, but what I want is for there to be a cure so I can go back to eating mcdonalds, burger king, and french fries and sit around all day without worrying about side-effects from pills. Why havent we found a cure yet? Where's Jonas Salk when you need him.

[ Video & Online Games ] Open Question : Borrowed Sims 3, and expansions?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

I borrowed my friend's Sims 3(original) and bought my own expansion pack of Late night. He said that I have to get my own Sims 3 in order to play Late night after I give him back the Sims 3 original because I used his cd key otherwise it won't work on his computer. I find it odd cause I used to play other games, and I would install it to three other computers and it works fine. I'm confused, and it certainly not like that on Sims 2. can someone explain this to me?

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : Guys, how do girls get your attention?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

I have a crush and I need help.

[ Religion & Spirituality ] Open Question : Christians: do you envy atheists? atheist: do you envy christians?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT


[ Religion & Spirituality ] Open Question : Christians I have a question!(: ?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

How can I feel my relationship with God? I feel like I'm not worthy and that my prayers aren't reaching Him I used to be addicted to porn but I'm clean now and I want to re strengthen my relationship with God. Please help and bible verse appreciated!!!

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : What should a girl do to seem sexy?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

What would a guy want a girl to do to b sexy? I'm a freshman and I want to appeal more to the guy inlike

[ Chemistry ] Open Question : How much concentrated solution would you take to prepare 1.10 L of 0.105 M HNO3 by mixing with water?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

[ Mathematics ] Open Question : Algebra 1??????????????

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

I need i little help on this question on my homework and nobody is home to help me so ya. question: the sum of 2 consecutive whole numbers is 206. What r the 2 #? (hint: Let n represent the first whole #.) if u can help me with this math poblem can u please explain how to get the answer so that i can solve problems like this in the future. Thx! :D

[ Fantasy Sports ] Open Question : Jay Feely or Steven Gostkowski week 1 kicker.?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

Grostkowski vs miami or feely vs carolina

[ Newborn & Baby ] Open Question : Do you hate when others use the term baby bump?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

[ Hair ] Open Question : How can I make my hair grow faster?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

I have a female mullet right now and I'm trying to grow my hair down to my shoulders in 4 months. Is there special shampoo that can help do that?

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : Did i blow my chance with this girl? do you think shes interested?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

so i met a girl on a dating site about 4 months ago. we talked on there for a few months then we added each other on facebook and talked on there. We got to know each other quite a bit by talking and I decided to ask if she wanted to go do something. We decided on minitaure golf. We went and had a fun time. She was shy, but got more comfortable as I kept talking to her. When we got done and were leaving she gave me a hug and said it was nice meeting you. i agreed and asked if she would want to go bowling the next weekend. she said yes i think we should and i said is it a date then? she said yes. then I jumped the gun and made a mistake. I asked "should we make it offical then?" Now by this I meant to say, where does she see us at? She wasnt sure what I meant and I aske dif she saw this as a date and she said she thought I just wanted to meet her. I said yes I did and apoligized for asking that and she said its ok and gave me another hug. we both said we will see how it goes next time. when i got home the night i texted her saying i had alot of fun and it was nice meeting her and we will have to do something again sooon and she agreed and said we will have to hang out again soon. im afraid i ble wmy chance when i asked "if we are official". i did not want to look clingy or desperate. we have talked since that day so part of me feels like she didnt see it as a big deal. so heres my questions 1)where do you think we are at? just getting to know each other? 2)did i blow my chance at dating her aksing that?? 3)is she interested at all?

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : I'm 19 and I've never been in a relationship despite asking out several girls I've liked, any advice?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

I'm 19 and I have never been in a relationship. Late Last year there was a girl from work I liked a lot. She is attractive, athletic and certainly 'up there' in terms of looks and personality in my opinion. I asked for her number in February and then a couple of weeks later asked her out and she initially said 'yes' but she never committed to a date, I asked her out to a coffee a few weeks later and two times she said 'she'd get back to me' but she never did so I had to give up on her. Now, I thought she had at least some interest in me that is why I was really confident in trying but I got sent back to reality. I feel like **** and I honestly believe the only reason I didn't get the girl from work is because I'm not good looking enough for her and if it was my exact personality into a guy she would find attractive, she'd go out with that guy straight away. The type of girls I fall for are probably ones who wouldn't go out with me. But even if she is attracted to personalities and confidence over looks, it just shows I suck at this and my first attempt to go on a date with someone I liked a LOT instead of trying with random girls just to get experience, i ****** up again. Last year there was another attractive girl who gave me her number but it happened around this time so I decided to go for the girl at work instead of her, stupid choice :( I tried to ask her out in April but I could only contact via text and I didn't get a response back twice. I just wanted coffee and when I saw her, I was going to ask her out properly but I couldn't do that :( I need to actually like the girl from the first meeting it seems generally for me to have the drive to ask a girl out. Also when I say 'attractive' girl, I'm not exclusively looking for girls who are very physically attractive, it's just how circumstances worked out that I met this two girls and they had very good personalities to in my opinion. I joined the gym a few weeks ago and I think it's helping take my mind off this because it's something to concentrate heavily on. But yeah it's for me, not to impress any girls by the way. Are there any positives to take from this? Have I shown any strides? I don't want to get into a relationship for the sake of it obviously but I don't want to keep coming up on the losing end with girls I like. Now I know people are going to go you have a lack of confidence which is true NOW but at the start of the year I had a lot of confidence but after I failed with these two girls it all went away and now I'm doubting myself heavily physically and constantly reminding myself about the stupid choices I made along the way. I can't help it

[ Grade-Schooler ] Open Question : IS IT M FAULTTT????????

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

my little sister would eat VERY VERY VERY little, like shed skip breakfast and lunch and eat a cucumber with salt for dinner and a slice of cantaloup and half a piece of chicken for dinner or something. she wouldnt touch junk food or anything like that. shes 10 years old now so finally shes been getting a little better, eating cheerios for breakfast, and eating a fulll dinner and no more stupid cucumbers... but then she told me that i used to call her "fat" (??? shes about 4'9 (VERY tall kid) and 40 pounds, she lost a LOT of weight) because when she was about 7-8 years old, i used to carry her and my cousin on my back and my cousin was alwas lighter and i always used to tease her about it. but its because my cousin was REALLY RELALY short compared to her so she used to weight a lot less (now she weighs more)... do you think this is MY fault?? i just realised and now i feel like ****.... she never actually had an eating disorder my parents say it was just a phase but im not so sure...

[ Politics ] Open Question : Why has Michele Bachmann sunk like a rock so soon after winning the Iowa straw poll?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

[ Comics & Animation ] Open Question : Who takes Ezio to the doctor lady at the beginning of brotherhood?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

At the beginning of sequence two Ezio wakes up in a lady's house randomly and she says some man left the clothes there for him. Do we know who that was in brotherhood or is that a little something to look forward to in Revelations? Also Desmond sees Ezio has come back to Monterigioni after the attack because of the bleeding that also left for revelations or is it revealed as well?

[ Other - Internet ] Open Question : Anyone wanna swap Pottermore accounts? Ravenclaw or Gryfindor for a Slytherin?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

Blah blah blah, DONT go on a tangent telling me its against the conditions rar rar rar - I really DONT care so dont bother wasting your time. DOES anyone have a Slytherin account but would rather a Ravenclaw or Gryfindor one? Tell me what your Pottermore username is firstly though. Additional Details: I answered honestly both times and it put me in two different houses so it cant know THAT well haha.

[ Baby Names ] Open Question : Cute first names that go with Helene?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

Me and my husband are TTC #3. We both like the middle name Helene. Its his grandmother's middle name and I like it because its different. What are some cute middle names that could go with it? So far I only came up with Gemma Helene Kimberly Helene Last name Streeper. ( We also have two daughter Addyson Michelle and Samantha Lynn)

[ Other - Skin & Body ] Open Question : how do i cut my wrist not to die just for like Attention and what to use and wear to buy it? and where to cut?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:20 PM PDT

Please don't just say don't cut or it will get better or I'm weird or something just answer what i ask or don't even click on this question

[ Rock and Pop ] Open Question : Sheet music for she takes me high or other pop/rock song?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:19 PM PDT

Does anyone have the piano sheet music for she takes me high by we the kings? I am desperate! I have an audition tomorrow and I need to bring sheet music. If there is another song you can suggest please comment with sheet music for a song that's good to audition with like this in the pop/rock category and is easy to sing and learn!

[ Gender & Women's Studies ] Open Question : LADIES! what's your definition of "cute" (towards a guy)?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:19 PM PDT

[ Other - Beauty & Style ] Open Question : Ladies, which hair colour do you like the best in a male ?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:19 PM PDT

[ Belgium ] Open Question : Need clarification about Belgian airport customs [food]?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:19 PM PDT

Hi, I am a student, leaving for Belgium in a week. I am planning to carry some bottled edible pastes like pickles, mix with rice and eat kinda pastes. Are they allowed past customs in Belgium? It would be very helpful, if someone can let me know within 3 days. Thanks in advance. Cheers.

[ Physics ] Open Question : If a device is getting hot. What should I put it on top of? (Glass , wood , metal tables etc)?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:19 PM PDT

I want to make the device less hot.

[ Other - Music ] Open Question : Music-making is universal, but is music a universal language?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:19 PM PDT

Music-making is universal, but is music a universal language? I have to answer this discussion question for my Exploring the World of Music class using musical concepts to support my ideas but since I have a learning disability and don't have much knowledge about music, I'm just wondering has any ideas about this question and can help me out by giving me some to put down. If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it a lot. Thank you very much.

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : Why is it that whenever I set my eyes on a nerd, I orgasm and get a you-know-what?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:19 PM PDT

Okay I'm a 19 year old guy, and in college there are these really dorky nerd boys. Most of them are 20. Anyway, for some reason I just cannot stop myself. I look at a nerd, sometimes unintentionally my college is full of the things so there's literally no escape, I look at his sexy skinny body his sexy glasses his sexy everything. I get hard. They notice and stare. Sometimes it gets so bad, like if there's more than one nerd in the room I just scream (orgasm?) with pleasure and feel like masturbating, right there in a class with 50 or so people. Oh god. I want to eat them and spit them out. The nerdier these men are, the harder I get, even seeing one in a movie makes me soo hard, especially after watching Revenge of the Nerds my b-ner was amazing. I couldn't stop orgasming at Lewis!