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(05/19/2011 - 05/26/2011)
This email list provides a summary and links for every U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) product released this week. You can sign up for many of these separately and receive instant notification of when the product was released at:
Weekly Retail Gasoline Prices (5/23/2011)
Presents average retail gasoline prices at the national and regional levels, and for selected cities and States, based on an EIA survey conducted each Monday of approximately 900 retail outlets.
Weekly Highway Diesel Prices (5/23/2011)
Contains a 53-week history of weekly retail on-highway diesel fuel prices for the U.S., 8 regions, and the State of California.
The Coal News and Markets Report for week ended 5/20/2011 (5/23/2011)
Contains information for the week and spot prices:
This Week in Petroleum (5/25/2011)
Provides analysis, data, and charts of the latest weekly petroleum supply and price data.
Weekly Petroleum Status Report, Data for Week Ending 5/20/2011 (5/25/2011)
Contains timely information on supply and selected prices of crude oil and principal petroleum products in the context of historical data and forecasts.
Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report (5/26/2011)
Contains weekly estimates of natural gas in underground storage for the United States and three regions of the United States.
Natural Gas Weekly Update (5/26/2011)
Contains weekly updates of natural gas market prices, latest storage level estimates, recent lower 48 NOAA weather data, and other market activity or events.
Coal Production for Week Ended 5/21/2011 (5/26/2011)
Contains an overview of U.S. weekly coal production.
Monthly Energy Review (05/26/2011)
EIA's most comprehensive report on recent integrated energy statistics. Preliminary data indicate that U.S. residential sector total energy consumption equaled 2.2 quadrillion Btu in February 2011, a 4% decrease from February 2010.
Indonesia Country Analysis Brief (05/25/2011)
Though no longer a net exporter of oil, Indonesia is a leading exporter of both coal and natural gas. As domestic energy needs grow, Indonesia is increasingly trying to focus on securing energy sources for its domestic market. For all the latest information on the energy situation in Indonesia, please see our updated Country Analysis Brief.
Prime Supplier Report (05/23/2011)
The latest Prime Supplier Report presents data collected through March 2011 on Form EIA-782C, "Monthly Report of Prime Supplier Sales of Petroleum Products Sold for Local Consumption." These data measure primary petroleum product deliveries into the States where they are locally marketed and consumed.
Monthly Flash Estimate (05/23/2011)
In March 2011, total electric power generation in the United States increased 1.2 percent compared to March 2010. The average U.S. retail price of electricity increased 1.1 percent in March 2011 compared to the previous year.
Wholesale Market Data (05/19/2011)
This is wholesale electricity price data from ICE (IntercontinentalExchange) through May 13, 2011. The files contain peak prices, volumes, and the number of transactions at six electricity trading hubs covering most regions of the United States.
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